I attended The Electrical Engineering Department of Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago , Illinois and the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa. for my Electrical Engineering coursework. In 1991, I recieved my BA in Computer and Information Science from the Math and Computer Science Department of Hood College in Frederick, Maryland. I am currently working on a textbook for UNIX System Programming with Dr. Paul Gowen
I have been a UNIX System Developer since Hewlett-Packard developed HP-UX in 1982. I develop turn-key automated measurement systems, both hardware(RF) and software, with an emphasis on testing a satellite in orbit around the earth. I was the principal consultant for the Hood UNIX Lab creation as well as for the Hood UNIX curriculum development. I am currently developing the final UNIX System Programming course and the X-Window/Motif Programming courses.
From 1982 through 2002, I was employed in the System Measurements Department of the Satellite & Systems Technology Division at COMSAT Laboratories. , as an Engineer responsible for In-Orbit Satellite Testing and System development. I am currently the department manager.
For more information contact
Steve Teller via
email at
Sat Jun 10 06:58:23 EDT 2000